Take this quick quiz to see if you are ready to get unstuck and take flight on your dreams...

Keep track of your score as you take the quiz. This program does not calculate your score so be sure to add 1 for "yes" and 0 for "no" answers. Your total score at the end will unveil options for your next best move.

Do you have a specific idea or goal you want to achieve to improve your life? (yes=1, no=0)

Do you have a vague idea of what you want to do but the lack of clarity is causing you confusion so you don't ever get started? (yes=1, no=0)

Have you been thinking about this idea for more than 1 year? (yes=1, no=0)

Does this idea excite you and cause you to dream about how happy your life could be? (yes=1, no=0)

Have you been holding yourself back from it because you think you don’t have time? (yes=1, no=0)

Have you attempted this goal before but still haven’t made significant progress? (yes=1, no=0)

When you think about how to move toward this idea, do you feel overwhelmed and think of all the reasons you CAN'T do it? (yes=1, no=0)

Do you think you could achieve it if someone walked you through ALL the steps? (yes=1, no=0)

Would you feel thrilled (or some other motivated emotion) if I told you that there is someone who could walk you through all the steps so you can live the happier life you desire? (yes=1, no=0)

Would you be inspired if there was a program that allowed you to work on your goal at your own pace and provided the professional mentoring you need AND offered a community of people who are going through the same thing you are?

CONGRATULATIONS! You finished The Unstuck Quiz. Now, just add up your score to see if you are ready to get unstuck and finally achieve that goal. Yes = 1pt, No = 0pts

If you scored...

8-10: You probably have something specific you've been wanting to do for a long time and have even attempted it a time or two. But at some point you got stuck which caused you to lose motivation and ultimately quit. Yet, you still feel pulled to do it. You just don't know where to start and you're worried that you don't have what it takes to achieve it. You just need a little guidance in the right direction. You are ready for The Unstuck System!

Your options are:

A) Sign up today, get started at your convenience and watch your progress soar! Your breakthrough is just on the other side of saying yes to this step! (Deets available after you click "submit" at the end of this survey.)

B) Think about what to do for so long that your dream drifts away and becomes a once-hopeful-idea that you regret not attempting for the rest of your life.

If you scored...

5-7: You have probably had this idea in the back of your mind for a while but either it is too vague for you to move forward or you think you have to wait until your circumstances improve...when your kids get older...when you have more time...when you have more money. You are still interested in this idea but there is something that is holding you back. You are ideal for The Unstuck System!

Your options are:

A) Sign up today to decide exactly what you want to accomplish and get the guidance you need to finish it. (Deets available after you click "submit" at the end of this survey.)

B) Think about what to do for so long that your dream drifts away and becomes a once-hopeful-idea that you regret not attempting for the rest of your life.

If you scored...

0-5: You don't have the vaguest idea of what you want to accomplish but you know you need a change or you are going to be miserable living under the current circumstances. You are not in a place to get unstuck from your own idea but you need to get unstuck from the lifeless experience you are in. You know there is something better for you out there but you don't know what it is or how to get it. You still have options:

A) Sign up for a free discovery call so we can work through your needs and desires to get you on a path to your best self.

B) Read my monthly blog entries for inspiration and tips on how to discover your happier life.

C) Follow me on IG for juicy secrets on how to take tiny steps toward a more fulfilling life.

>>>Use the website below to gain access to all the above actions.

Hopefully you've learned about where you are on the journey to your more abundant life and the options you have that will get you to your ultimate goal. Click "submit" to complete this quiz and see what is next for you!